Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So on my birthday I was accompanied by Mike on a few dog visits, one of them being Shane.  Mike stayed in the car around the corner, but Shane LOVES cars.  I have had to pull him away from jumping in strange cars on walks.  Mike rolled the window down to say hello and this 80+ lb golden retriever nearly jumped through the window.  In the house next to the car was a cat sleeping in the window next to an owl statue.  He was just as excited to jump at the cat.  Today we went back over that same route.  No Mike AND no cat.  He stopped and just kept eagerly looking from the window to the street and no one else was there but me ;( Poor disappointed kid.

For the past 24 hours I was helping out a friend by keeping her cat in my spare bathroom while her house got exterminated.  The rule was no one was allowed in there except for the cat.  She has such an innocent face, and so many extra toes, but she is so mean to everyone except for her parents :( I would stick my head in and talk to her... she would reply with hissing :(

We also have a new member of the family here.  A birthday reptile if you will.  His name is Sigmund Frog because he always has a very distinguished look on his face.  We were contemplating putting a small couch with an end table in his tank.

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