Monday, March 26, 2012

OK!  Here we go!  First of all, I have been spending overnight times with my new pal Neuman.  His eyes make me melt, I have a hard time leaving, and when he gets his happy dance to go out I get quite happy as well!  He is an elderly gentleman with many chronic organ issues, but he is still hanging in and loving life.  Last night he got quite cuddly on the couch with me and it was definitely appreciated!! :)  The morning before, I was out walking him at 7:30 am (Sunday) in front of his building and being half asleep, I wasn't paying attention to where he was going.  He jumped in the flower bed and peed a bit.  I heard a knock on the window behind me and saw a very angry man with a cup of coffee in one hand and an exasperated gesture in the other hand.  I am usually quite good about keeping dogs out of flower beds, but here is my defense:

He is 14 years old with failing kidneys.  His urine is so dilute it is almost water.
He is 14 years old and should be able to do whatever makes him happy.
It is 7:30 am on a Sunday and I was out late the night before - give me a break!
There are hundreds of dogs peeing everywhere in this neighborhood and you have no barrier around the flowers, no sign saying to keep dogs out, and it's only March!

Tonight it is supposed to go down to 28 degrees and the flowers will probably die anyway.  I hate to say it, but folks were a bit overzealous with the planting this year just because we had a hot week.

ANYWAY, Neuman has been great about taking all of his meds, but his eating habits are off.  He was eating roasted chicken from Whole Foods, today he changed his mind.  He has been eating baby food mixed with some kidney food, I hope that continues!  I have grown to love him so much over these past few days and hope he hangs in there for as long as possible!!

Those eyes!
Morning flower smell

1 comment:

  1. How did I not know you had a blog? This is beautiful. Neuman reminds me a lot of Cosmo. Such a face.
