I am pet sitting for 2 different clients who are neighbors in a new development. Half of the development is still under construction which not only makes things incredibly difficult for the people already living there, but for me as well.
There was a major leak from a pipe in the basement of one of the houses. They were repairing it for days (days). I was told that there was a clog in the big pipe underground next to her house and they were having trouble unclogging it. I was there 4x/day for almost a week and kept an eye on the progress. The dog that I walk over there has a spinal deformity so I am extremely protective of him with bigger dogs, big steps, etc.
One afternoon I saw that one of the construction workers had his dog with him (A wheaten terrier), no leash. The dog was by his side and not moving so I left it alone. The next day I was there to walk the dog around 7:30 a.m. and he was there again. I didn't know the dog was with him until he came bounding up to us in the parking lot (off leash) and startled the hell out of my clients dog. I picked my dog up and started yelling, "Who's dog is this??!!" The one guy starts calling for the dog to come back to him, but the dog is not listening. He is running all over the development at top speed, peeing on peoples houses, etc. I brought my dog inside, came back out and told him that this was an accident waiting to happen. As I was talking to him, he started to ignore me and stare at the work he was doing in the big hole that he dug. I finally got his attention and said that he can't have his dog running loose around there. There are tons of dogs in that development and it's not safe, plus Delaware Ave is about 100 ft away! His reply, "Oh, he's pretty good. He always comes to work with me."
I Shook my head and went to take care of the cat. Twenty minutes later I headed out to the next dog and at the end of the development I see a woman frantic on the phone. She had his dog closed in the small dog park area that is for the development. I heard her calling animal control and his cell. I went up to her, interrupted her call and told her that it was the dog of the stupid construction worker. She was livid! She had been chasing the dog down to save him and was late for work because of his irresponsibility. She called him on his cell again (which was on the collar) and said that she had his dog in the park area. She told him how she was scared that the dog was going to run into the street and get hit by a car. He sauntered on down and saw us and rolled his eyes, just telling us that his dog is fine. Obviously he had no idea where the poor dog even was, how could he be fine. How could he focus on a giant hole in the ground AND his dog running free next to a highway? I told her to call the HOA people for the development.
I started walking to my next job and couldn't get this out of my head, so I texted both of my clients that lived there and got the # for their property manager. It was only 8:15 a.m. and the office didn't open until 9. I had no choice so I called the police first and tried to get this dog out of harms way. This is endangerment of the life of an animal and a bit of neglect. Not only is there a leash law, but I highly doubt that it is legal to bring a dog to a job site like this. Then I waited until 9 and called the property manager to try to get them to put a stop to this. THEY hired the guy, I'm sure they did not want the liability of having a strange dog running around their property that is under construction. Then my client called the property manager after I did.
I don't know what the outcome was, but I did not see the dog after that. I hope he was home and safe and not meandering around the city by himself. It is frightening how irresponsible people can be with their dogs! It also amazes me that the 10 other workers with him had NOTHING to say to him regarding this. Just kept their mouths shut and looked down. When you keep your mouth shut and stare at the ground, nothing will ever change.
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