About a month or so later, I receive a call from this woman asking me about dog sitting. When she called, I was already out working so I asked her to please email me all of the information (the dates, what times she needs visits, etc) and that I would get back to her later when I got home. This was about 8:30/9 am when she called. I skimmed the email a bit later and realized that I had some questions for her, but didn't want to call until I was home and didn't have a dog in my hand.
This was the email:
Good morning Debbie,
We will be away for an overnight next weekend and would like you to check on Esther while we are away.
I shall feed her and walk her the morning of the 10th, so if you could:
Walk her around 2-3:00 and feed her on the 10th
Walk her around 9-10 at night on the 10th
Walk and feed her 7-30-8:00 on the 11th.
We should be back for her afternoon walk.
Please let me know if this works for you. Then we can discuss details.
Thank you,
I got home at my usual time, about 3 pm and I had just enough time to eat something, sit down, and take a deep breath. Then my phone rings and it's her. Perfect timing! I say, "Hello! How are you?" Her reply was, "This is (insert her name here)." And I say, "Yes, I know. I have it saved in my phone, how are you?" She replies in the coldest, most annoyed, snarky tone I have ever heard, "Were you going to respond to me?"
I was taken aback! I told her that I had just gotten home not too long ago and I was planning on calling her in a little bit. She said, "Well, I called you early this morning." And I said, "Yes, and I told you that I was out working and that I would call you when I got home. I just got home." She replied by saying how she didn't expect me to be out so long!! (Um... I WAS WORKING ALL DAY !) I I told her that there were potentially a few problems with her request. One was that I had already sent out an email that I was taking off from the 7th to the 10th and she wouldn't have known that because she is not on my email list. She immediately dismissed me. Then I said, for the future, the other was that I do not do visits past 7pm because I allot myself 12 hour days. I was trying to ask if we could switch the time around and she gets literally angry and haughtily says, "Well no! She NEEDS to go out late at night so I guess that's it isn't it?!" Again, taken aback. I don't even know this woman and she is already angry at me for not being able to accommodate her every need. I was about to offer her a referral for someone that I know that does do late night walks, but she essentially hung up on me. I was angry, but I let it go for the night.
The next day I rethought it and realized that it was completely uncalled for and I didn't even get to finish my sentence! So I sent her an email that said this:
Hello there. I'm sorry to disappoint you with my lack of availability for this particular trip, but you hung up before I could get a few things out.
#1 It is tough to find a dog walker to come for walks after 8 pm, but I could put the word out to try to help you find one. We all normally work 12 hour days as it is and there has to be a cut off somewhere. I personally am in bed by 10 as I am up at 6 everyday.
#2 You must allow at least 24 hours for someone to get back to you regarding pet sitting/dog walking. Things come up that are unexpected and days are long. I was not ignoring you, I literally did not have the time to sit down and reply to an email until 6pm last night.
#3 I have a lot of family from ******** with the last name *******, might we be related?
She replied almost right away to this (which I was not expecting) and it was pretty bad!
Got someone to sit. She called
Me back in 2 hours and she is available for the times I needed. No issues.
I don't have time to listen to excuses. I need a service, you can't provide it so I was done. I need to work with Serious business people no matter what their product or service. I have been around a little
Longer than you and have a decent understanding of dependability and availability. It is time for me to move on.
Btw you wrote this email in a much more timely manner than you returned my call.
Let's just move on.
Sigh..... I replied and just told her that I was trying to keep it cordial since I do business in her building and we would inevitably run into eachother again on the elevator. Told her to have a great weekend and called it a day. I later found out that she is just as awful to her other neighbors in the building as well as the staff. Do I feel a bit better about that? Not really....
If I can't accommodate someone, I will always try to give them another option. When they insult me and my business because I didn't have time to get back to her until after my workday, well, that's just below the belt. I am one person. I do not have a secretary to schedule my life. I know I lucked out by not having her as a client (Thank you universe), but I hate to know that there is someone like this treating people terribly for no reason. Literally, no reason.