Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I literally felt like I was cooking outside today!  I'm on shower # 2, I'm sure there will be a #3 after my pm visits.  It's so difficult in this heat because it takes my appetite away, but I still have to expend just as much energy as usual.  This results in forcing food into my system whether I want to or not.  16 visits today felt like 32.

So, over this very hectic holiday weekend I had some surprises and alot of love :)

This is Bingo:
He LOVES to hug and cuddle.  If you sit on the bed he will come up behind you, wrap his arms around your neck, and rub his head on you.  If you lay on your side, he curls up in your armpit nook and rolls on his back for belly rubs :) He also likes to fight with himself in the mirror which is why it is covered in newspaper.

I had an overnight (2 nights) this weekend with a Rufus :
Many times owners will say that their dog will want to cuddle with you while you sleep.  That is not always the case once a stranger is sleeping on their couch.  In this case, it was true.  This dog LOVES to cuddle!  He was on my pillow, under my pillow, under my blanket spooning me, in-between my legs resting his head on my foot, and waited until "I" woke up to go outside and pee.  What a wonderful dog!!  The next day his cousin Sherman came to stay for the night.
They were 2 happy dog cousins acting like 2 happy kid cousins!  Barking, running around, playing, wrestling.  If they could talk, they would have been saying, "Yay!!! Sleepover with my friend!!!"  I was scared that I wouldn't get any sleep, but they both calmed down and joined me on the couch to sleep.  Oddly enough, I already knew Sherman from my old job and had no idea his owner was related to Rufus's mom who was referred to me by another dog mom.  Once again, very small city.

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